About the School
St Catherine’s are routinely in the top 10 boarding schools for girls by A Level results. They aim to help girls pursue their higher education and grow into sensible, caring and competent young women when they leave St Catherine’s.
Life in the sixth form is a unique experience that students will enjoy more freedom to manage their own time, to wear their own clothes and to make contributions to the running of their House. These help sixth formers better transit to their next stage of education in university.
Boarding at St. Catherine’s is in age-specific cohorts in four boarding houses including Bronte for Year 7 and 8, Symes for Year 9, Keller for Fifth Form, and The 6 for Sixth Form.

Exam Results and University Destinations
In 2020, at GCSE, 40% of all grades were 9, 69% were 9-8 and 91% were 9-7. At A-Level, 33.7% of all grades were A*, 75.4% were A*-A and 93.9% were A*-B.
6 Sixth Form leavers have accepted places at Oxbridge in 2020 of which 1 went to Oxford and 5 went to Cambridge.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Sport at St Catherine's is a major part of their extra-curricular provision both as a recreational club or a competitive school team. A wide range of sports opportunities includes lacrosse, netball, gymnastics, trampolining, swimming, athletics, cross-country and rounders.
In the last full week of the Summer Term, the normal timetable is also suspended and all girls take part in the Activities Week to earn valuable outdoor experiences in the U.K. or overseas.
Anniversary Halls building houses various indoor sporting facilities including basketball court, netball court and squash court. 4 grass pitches generally marked for lacrosse, and a fully heated swimming pool are also available.
There are also the 314-seated acoustically designed theatre, 2 black box drama studios and a dressing room to support students in their drama productions.
School Fees
Boarding: £10,585 per term
Occasional boarding (need to be booked in advance): £65 per night (1-4 nights), £375 in total (5-7 nights)
Day: £6,425 per term